I found myself thinking "oh, I love this today, I need to write to the world about my passion" but, then, I got sucked into the moment of life, mostly mazi and her addicting personality.
I never made it to the blog post that day. Mazi is the queen of presence and keeps me from wandering about in my head.
This month has been different for us. Jj got a new job with a corporate charter company and he is away from the home days and nights at a time, sometimes as far as Mexico. The goodies are fun, and the moment he arrives home is anxious excitement while also feeling the anticipation that at any moment he could be called off again, for days at a time...it sort of leaves me focused on the present moment and giving that my full attention. I miss him soo much when he's gone, I get a little lonely.
Mazi is so curious about the world and making sure she gets it all right...child there is no such thing as right...it's just what it is! She keeps me close and she stays curious! I'm thankful for that too, I love our close relationship!
For the last two weeks I have been most thankful for the ability to be present! Present to hear my breath. Present to know my daughter deeply! Present to hear the wind and rain...it's presently raining...and just present in life right now. I'm searching for constant practice of samtosa (contentment). I'm not often content. This practice I must be very aware of. If I focus on mazi, my body, and our small journey I can touch and taste it and I'm suddenly at ease with what IS for if I never feel content here and now in a place where I'm completely out of my element then I've really failed at learning what true presence really is! It is a cakewalk to be present when I'm on a sunny, clean, private perfect beach or even better on the top of a snowy pure white ridgetop with thin, clean, crisp air. Warm from the climb and a touch of the suns rays on my winter skin....inhale...exhale! Ya, that's easy to be present to!
Oh boy, I just flopped that moment of being content in the rainy south, stuck in my car at a grocery store while my child sleeps in the backseat and I write a blog post!!!!! Oops!