Simply Life

Our Simple Raw Life...A Natural Journey Of Creation

Friday, June 13, 2014

Catching Time

If I could I would grab ahold of time and slow it the F#&* down! I feels like I can never catch up on all the many things my heart desires to do.  I have so many ideas and so much I want to accomplish but by the end of the week I have found that if my laundry gets done and food is put in my fridge I have successfully kept us going.  Mazi is growing so fast and I can't keep up with her speed, I really want to share this life with the world but as I study and observe her I become so entranced that stepping away to do my things seems like I will miss out on something super cool with her progress.

I teach a yoga class a week and help volunteer at an organic farm but other than that I am mom, still giving all my time to my sweet pea.  I feel myself sneaking through every now and then and some parts of me are excited to see what is in store for me.  All the while being mommy and wifey is quite the task.   I get new thoughts daily on what parenting is all about.

I do happen to capture lots and lots of pictures of my Amazing and they are so fun to look at and see her changes and her personality shine threw them.

She is almost 2 years old, she is potty trained, she speaks so many words and tells stories that I don't quite understand yet, she could read books all day and she studies the pictures, she already has soooo many questions that she can't ask in words yet and she has a personality that is so big.  She is cautious and so observant.  She studies the world and wants to know why everything is the way it is.  I feel like I can see the person she is going to become already, she is like a little person.  This scares me, that I can already see who she is as an adult and I just want to savor her as a toddler snuggled on my chest, innocent, and feeding on my breast.

 We took a camping trip with friends and enjoyed the company, fishing, kayaking, boating and simply lounging around and watching the kiddos explore.

 Mazi spends most of her days finding books to read, we go to the library once a week to stock up!
 These hot summer days make eating ice right out of the ice tray extremely enjoying!

 Yes, she has so many expressions and I love to capture each and every one....oh how I love my lil nugget!
Swinging in daddy's arms brings laughter and smiles! Already she wants to do backbends, just like her mama!

 Dance parties in the living room with Daddy and Mickey...

 Gardening with mama!

 Playing in trees with Daddy and Mama!

...Or just being naked and sun tanning in the grass!